EZ Sales - An Easy trick to get a few payment bumps - find out what they are really able to pay

When you ask a customer what kind of payment they can afford they will give you the lowest possible number every time. So, how do you find what they can really do for a payment?

This is a super easy trick, anyone can do it.

Get an easy payment bump - expand your options for available vehicles

It is very important to use these exact words, and shut up and wait for an answer after each line. Role play them and memorize them.

First question: How much were you thinking about for a monthly payment?

You will get the low ball payment here, they lowest possible amount.

Next question for the first bump: As much as?

Say, "as much as?" Then, shut up and wait till they bump themselves a little bit.

Next, for another bump: And no more than?

If they bump themselves again, you can still go for another!

Here's your last attempt at a bump: And if you had to stretch some? 

Now hopefully you have a better payment to work with!

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Most sales will be made after the 5th closing attempt, and most salespeople only know one close!

Look — If you keep doing what you're doing now then you can't expect different or better results. The key to fatter paychecks is preparing yourself with intelligent comebacks. Imagine if you knew EXACTLY what to say when you heard stuff like this:
  • I'm not interested.
  • I'm too busy right now. It's not a priority.
  • Just email me some info and I'll keep it on file.
  • The price is too high / We don't have the budget.
  • I need to wait / I need to think about it. Call me in six months.
  • I need to talk to my VP, partner, boss, wife, etc.
  • We're currently using another supplier and we're happy.
  • It won't work for us. We don't need it.
  • We've had a bad experience with this type of thing.
  • You're too small / never heard of you.
  • You're just trying to sell me ...
  • I like the idea, but I need you to tell me I'm making the right decision.

Get yourself a copy of my Baker's Dozen for Relationship Selling!

Are you new to selling, struggling in sales,or just want to sell more? 

These are the essential secrets to selling and the first things a beginner in sales needs to learn. If you always do these things — you will succeed!

After mastering the Baker's Dozen for Relationship Selling, you’ll close more sales with higher gross and build lasting relationships with your customers that will result in a lifetime of repeat and referral business!


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