Your customer doesn't care about you

What dose the customer care about?

Here are some of the things your customer doesn't care about, and dose not want to hear about:

  • You
  • Your family 
  • Your kids
  • Your goals
  • Your hobbies
  • How long you have worked for the company
  • That wall of awards that you show them
  • That fabulous building you have
  • The top notch service department
  • The history of the company
  • How long the company has been in business  
  • etc... (You get the picture)

Here are some of the things you customer dose care about:

  • Themselves

What are some of the other things they care about you might ask? 

Nothing. Unless it will benefit them - nothing

This is something most salespeople fail to understand.

Eliminate I, Me, My and Mine from your vocabulary - under no circumstances use these words.

Building report, (see more here), dose not include any sentence that starts with I, Me, My or Mine.

If you say any of those things you are switching the focus to yourself, you must never do that. If a customer asks you a question, simply answer and switch the focus back to them.

Lean about building report properly in my book The Baker's Dozen for Relationship Selling - click here

In building report you, of course, ask the customer about themselves, get them talking about themselves and you, as the salesperson, take a genuine interest in them.

If you build report properly they will like you. They will not like you if you talk about yourself

Common miss-conception: The top salespeople are good talkers - wrong they are good listeners


Shut up and listen!

How to be a good listener is in The Baker's Dozen for Relationship Selling - click here

You may ask - what about building value in myself and the company?

When you are showing the customers that wall of awards and they are looking the other way or paying absolutely no attention, now you know why. 

You must make sure, when building value in yourself and the company, the customer fully understands how anything you say will directly benefit them. Otherwise you are switching focus to yourself. 

How the salesperson down the road blew it

A customer told me, "boy, there's something wrong with the salesman at that dealership. He kept telling me how many kids he had and talking about his family, why was he telling me all that stuff. I don't care about his kids!"

That salesperson did what most do:

  • He thought that it would make him seem like more of a real person if the customer knew a little about him and his family. 
  • His biggest mistake was likely that he did not understand that building report dose not include talking about yourself at all. Most salespeople switch focus to themselves when building report and loose the customer. 

I got the sale from the customer above because he immediately told me the mistake the previous salesperson made. At the time, I didn't realize that it would be a mistake to talk about myself some, although I thought I was good at building report, I had made the same mistake myself!

If the customer asks you a question, answer it then immediately, then ask a question to switch focus back to them. If you start talking about yourself here, like you'll be inclined to do, you'll start to lose the customer and the sale   

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Most sales will be made after 5th the closing attempt, and most salespeople only know one close!

Look — If you keep doing what you're doing now then you can't expect different or better results. The key to fatter paychecks is preparing yourself with intelligent comebacks. Imagine if you knew EXACTLY what to say when you heard stuff like this:
  • I'm not interested.
  • I'm too busy right now. It's not a priority.
  • Just email me some info and I'll keep it on file.
  • The price is too high / We don't have the budget.
  • I need to wait / I need to think about it. Call me in six months.
  • I need to talk to my VP, partner, boss, wife, etc.
  • We're currently using another supplier and we're happy.
  • It won't work for us. We don't need it.
  • We've had a bad experience with this type of thing.
  • You're too small / never heard of you.
  • You're just trying to sell me ...
  • I like the idea, but I need you to tell me I'm making the right decision.

Get yourself a copy of my Baker's Dozen for Relationship Selling!

Are you new to selling, struggling in sales,or just want to sell more? 

These are the essential secrets to selling and the first things a beginner in sales needs to learn. If you always do these things — you will succeed!

After mastering the Baker's Dozen for Relationship Selling, you’ll close more sales with higher gross and build lasting relationships with your customers that will result in a lifetime of repeat and referral business!


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